A Complete Guide to Selling an Old House

Did you know that the average value of houses in the United States has grown by almost 7% since last year? This means that now it’s the perfect time to sell your house, even if you have a relatively old one.

Selling an old house can indeed be a little bit tricky because most buyers are focused on newer and more modern ones. However, by applying a few tips and tricks, you can make your old property more attractive and get a fair share of money when selling it.

Keep reading to learn the steps to selling your house successfully and as soon as possible!

1. Do Repairs if Necessary

With the passing of years, almost all houses get deteriorated and start to develop flaws. If your house is old, it might have minor problems with the roof, maybe some doors don’t close well or the electrical circuits might be faulty. Keep in mind that these problems will be spotted by potential buyers as well.

The right thing to do is to renovate your property and do minor repairs. Replacing the gutters or repairing the garage door goes a long way when it comes to making a good first impression. And don’t worry, you can add the cost of these repairs to the resale price of your property, so you’ll get your money back.

2. Do Minor Improvements

Let’s say that your kitchen cabinets are completely functional, but they look rather dull and not attractive at all. In this case, a minor painting job would make them look like brand new without having to spend too much money on that. Similarly, you might want to replace the old and chipped bathroom mirror as well.

Doing minor improvements here and there shouldn’t cost more than a few hundred or thousand dollars, but they will reveal to the new buyer that you cared for this property.

3. Take Advantage of Pest Control Services

No one likes bugs, rodents or other types of pests in their house. Before putting your old house up for selling, call the exterminator for a complete cleanup. This means getting rid of any termites that might be in your basement, removing the bats and/or squirrels in the attic, getting rid of rodents, spiders or cockroaches (if any), etc.

A complete pest control service gives the new buyer more peace of mind and reminds him that he’s moving into a clean and hygienic house. This little piece of advice can actually make you sell your home quicker.

4. Take Care of the Exterior of Your House

You should also make some improvements to the exterior of your old property. By doing so, potential buyers might be pleasantly impressed right from the get-go. For example, make sure that there are no missing shingles in your roof. Try to mow your lawn and make it look attractive, free of weed and unwanted plants.

When it comes to your driveway and walkways, you can take advantage of high-pressure steam cleaning services to make the exterior of your house look brand new. Don’t forget to paint the garage door if necessary and ensure that the doorbell works. These minor improvements will add up and they will eventually help you get more money for your old home.

5. Consider A Home Thermal Imaging Service

Thermal imaging services imply using a thermal scanner to check for cracked pipes, structural defects, problems with your foundation, etc. Such major issues are usually invisible to the naked eye and they are very important when it comes to the comfort level of your house.

By taking advantage of thermal imaging services, you’re looking for major defects and you can fix them quickly if necessary. At the end of the inspection, you also get a certificate that can be used to attract more buyers. If your old home is still very valuable, potential buyers will do a thermal imaging scan themselves, so it’s better to get one step ahead and do it on your own.

6. Consider Home Staging Services

A home staging service is also recommended if you want to sell your old house quicker and for more money. This involves adding new furniture pieces and appliances to your property to make it look as beautiful as possible. A home staging professional will then take pictures of your house and use them to attract more buyers.

This type of service doesn’t cost a lot of money and it shows potential clients how beautiful your old property can be, if properly arranged. You might end up selling your house very quickly thanks to this little trick.

7. Price Your Property Correctly

It’s important to know the rough price range of your house. Pricing it too high and it might never get sold. Price it too little and you might end up frustrated for not asking for more money. Luckily, real estate agents can do a free market analysis for you to help with the pricing process.

You can also get a professional appraisal for your property and come up with a better price range for your house. Ideally, you’d want to sell your house quickly and for as much money as possible, so setting the correct price from the start is paramount.

8. Improve The Safety of Your House

Safety is everyone’s priority, whether you’re buying or renting. You should focus on making your house as secure as possible, so that the new owner has more peace of mind when he moves in. For example, you can change the front entrance door and go for a more solid one, preferably made from steel.

You can also install a few security cameras which are directly linked to the nearest police department. Another safety feature is to have windows made using tempered glass which doesn’t break that easily. Add in a sophisticated alarm system and you’re golden!

Selling An Old House Should Be a Piece Of Cake Now!

As you can see, there are many things you can do to facilitate the process of selling an old house. All that you have to do now is to set a budget for improving your property and get to work.

Also, don’t forget to check out these tips to speed up the selling process!

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