List My Home for Sale in Winter: Yes or No?

List My Home for Sale in Winter: Yes or No?                

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According to a recent survey, if you are selling your home in the winter, you are 9% more likely to sell and for 1.2% more over asking price. So if you are asking “should I list my home for sale in the winter”, the answer is yes!

It is true that the spring season may be a peak for home shopping, as most people want to move when their children are not in school. However, that isn’t the case for home selling. During the winter months, a home will sell faster and for more money. That’s a win-win!

That being said, there are some things that you have to do differently while selling your home in the winter, and most of these things have to be done before the winter months come.

Keep reading to learn more about selling your home in the winter, and tips for a quick winter sale.

Let’s get started!

Why List My Home for Sale in the Winter?

While it may be true that there are more people looking to buy houses in the spring and summer months, selling a house in winter has a better chance of sales.

This is due to the fact that if someone is looking for a house in the winter, they are usually more serious and motivated about purchasing.

Take the Pictures in Spring Time

You want your home marketing photos to look fresh and lively, so take your house pictures before the cold and dreary winter months. In the winter, the trees are bare, and the weather feels uninspiring.

If you take photos with lush flowers and clear, blue skies, you have a better chance of a faster sale. To add to that, you must keep on top of your yard work to keep the house looking like the picture. This means you will have to get busy raking the leaves!

Invest in Better Lighting

Since there are fewer hours of daylight in the winter, you may have people checking out your home during the darker hours of the day. This means that you need bright and cozy lighting to prevent your home from feeling dreary.

Imagine driving up to a house in the cold, dark winter months, would you rather see it dark and gloomy, or bright and cheerful?

Market to Snowbirds

This is especially true to those who live in the south. If you live in an area that is still somewhat warm in the winter, the people who are most interested in purchasing your house are the ones who are relocating from the colder States.

Learn to market to the snowbird audience and you will have higher chances of closing a house for the winter.

Take It Easy on the Decor

Since there are more Holidays during the winter months, you may feel more inclined to decorating your house more for the sale. The trick is to avoid anything that could be controversial such as religious decor and anything too bright and tacky.

Keep your holiday decorations simple with a nice garland and very simple lighting, and you will attract more buyers.

Learn More Tips About Selling Your House

Now that you have learned the answers to your question ” should I list my home for sale in the Winter?” You will have a better chance of selling it fast.

Check out more articles on our blog to help you sell your house faster, such as standing out from the crowd, and which upgrades to avoid when selling your house in pueblo, co.

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